Georgian luger dies in training accident at Olympics.
GLAAD asks John Mayer to apologize for using the F-word.
Stephen Colbert got his own Olympics poster, designed by Shepard Fairey.
Purported naked Snooki pic surfaces.
Adam Lambert performing in secret NYC show this Monday…
Mixner: Is ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell' the new healthcare?
Openly gay stock car announcer breaking stereotypes: “[Troy] Germain came out to the ACT in 2003. He conceded it remains tough to be the only openly gay man on the circuit-he said there are others about whom he knows, but they remain closeted. Germain said an e-mail Darla Hartt, vice president and general manager of the ACT, gave him the strength to come out to his colleagues. It read be yourself; be who you are and don't be afraid; just be.”
Witness: Terry Castle does hatchet job on Susan Sontag in new book.
Alexander McQueen's final Tweets. Westboro Baptist Church to picket McQueen funeral.
Ryan Reynolds the new face of Hugo Boss fragrances.
Kenneth in the 212 takes a look at Prodigal Sons, the new film about Kimberley Reed, the high school quarterback who transitioned into a woman.
If you're using Google Buzz, be aware of the huge privacy flaw.
Attitude magazine loses major distributor.
Vietnamese gay groups to march in Tet Parade in Orange County for first time: “However, several Vietnamese religious organizations, including the Vietnamese Interfaith Council of America that comprises Christian and Buddhist religious leaders, have expressed their opposition to the gay groups' participation in the parade.
On Wednesday, the Knights of Columbus and all 50 members of the Vietnamese Martyrs Council, both Catholic organizations, withdrew their participation from the parade.”
Gay's the Word: Uk gay bookstore facing closure.
It's National Underwear Day in Brazil.
STUDY: Race and gender of judges makes big difference in rulings.
The Catholic League's Bill Donohue gives a shout-out to Michelangelo Signorile for “ripping” the Pope on the Joy Behar show: “None of what Signorile said is true.” Actually, it is. More from Signorile.
Church of England votes to give pension benefits to partners of gay clergy.
NYT on the gay arrests in Kenya: “Mr. Kiraithe said the planned wedding between two men had been kept a secret, but that a group of local people found out just before it was to start in Kikambala, a beach town along Kenya's white-sand coast. A mob quickly formed, and some outraged bystanders even shouted that the people at the wedding should be burned.” Background.