A gay man says that the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympics (VANOC) has been negligent in responding to a harassment complaint he made after a woman verbally and physically attacked him and his friends at the Opening Ceremonies Rehearsal on February 8, Xtra reports:
"Sheppard says a woman who incorrectly insisted he and his friends were sitting in her seats repeatedly called him and his friends 'fucking faggots.'
'My friends heard it. A lot of people heard it,' Sheppard says. 'It was demoralizing.'
Sheppard says the abuse continued even after ushers determined Sheppard and his friends were in the right seats.
They were there to see a friend dance in the opening ceremonies. But the woman kept kicking their seats after they sat down, Sheppard says.
She even muttered insults in his ear during the singing of 'O Canada,' he alleges.
'She kicked me in the back with her foot which left a red mark,' he says. 'If I was a man doing this to a woman, there would have been repercussions. What I want is fairness. The Olympics are supposed to be for everyone," he says.'"
Sheppard says the woman also picked up his Chilean friend's bag and threw it screaming, "I'm not crazy, you fucking immigrant. Go back to your country." There are more details at Xtra.