An attempt yesterday to force a vote on a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage failed in the West Virginia House, the Charleston Gazette reports:
"GOP delegates unsuccessfully tried to force a floor vote on a bipartisan resolution (HJR5) called the 'Marriage Protection Amendment.' The proposal calls for a statewide referendum on whether to amend West Virginia's constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.
This week, Republicans launched a push to make the House vote on measures they say Democrats have allowed to die in the legislative process. They want to do that by 'discharging' bills from committees, bringing them directly to the floor for a vote.
Except for Delegate Tom Louisos, D-Fayette, the House's Democratic majority on Tuesday voted to postpone consideration of the Republican motion to discharge the marriage amendment.
Later, the committee that controls the flow of bills decided to keep that motion off the House's agenda."
It's worth noting that Republicans aren't working alone to try and "protect marriage" in WV: "Half of the six of sponsors of this year's 'Marriage Protection Amendment' are Democrats, but many Democrats likely do not want to vote on the controversial issue."