A Dallas jail guard says his right to free speech was violated when he was fired, after 17 years with the department, for conduct unbecoming an officer and for lying to internal affairs with regard to remarks he made about gays:
"Johnson in October interrupted a private conversation among jail staff and 'interjected his own opinions,' telling them all gays should be annihilated, according to a sheriff's report.
'They made it out to be that I was a bigot. I was fired 'cause I hurt someone else's feelings,' Johnson said Monday. He said that his free speech rights were violated but that he will not appeal.
Johnson said he made his comments to some clerks. The names of the witnesses who filed the complaints were obscured in the sheriff's department report."
As for Johnson's other beliefs?
"In a sworn statement, Johnson denied saying he supported slavery while noting that 'slavery is a fact in the Bible.' Johnson also offered an opinion about the origin of dinosaurs…
…'I believe that all dinosaurs were born of Satanic angel who has sex with woman and the animal kingdom that created ungodly reptilian creatures none of these were on the Ark,' he said in the sworn statement."
Johnson, who is not looking to get his job back, also said in the sworn statement that he believes all gays should be put to death.