Prop 8 opponents have lost their battle to keep internal memos and emails from lawyers for the other side, the AP reports:
"U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker ruled Monday that the groups must surrender the campaign documents as evidence in a federal trial on the constitutionality of Proposition 8.
Walker's decision upholds a previous ruling by a federal magistrate.
The trial is the first in federal court to examine whether the U.S. Constitution prevents states from outlawing gay marriage.
The American Civil Liberties Union, one of the three groups that must turn over campaign materials, previously said it would appeal if Walker upheld the magistrate's order."
Mercury News: "In a 24-page ruling, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker rejected the arguments of the American Civil Liberties Union and Equality California…The ACLU has argued that the documents are confidential campaign exchanges protected by the First Amendment as political speech. But Walker, who issued a similar order before trial forcing the Prop. 8 side to release some campaign material, disagreed, giving the groups until April 12 to release the documents."
Karen Ocamb at LGBT POV has additional analysis on Walker's ruling.