Tony Abbott, the leader of Australia's Oppositon party, is "threatened" by you: "There is no doubt that (homosexuality) challenges, if you like, orthodox notions of the right order of things.
Gawker has a fashion gallery of the men and women of the Oscars. Zoe Saldana's choice of dress was…unfortunate. Check out just the guys here.
Jean-Paul Gaultier received visual confirmation that Guy Ritchie did indeed go commando at his wedding to Madonna.
Even Anderson Cooper made time to take in the Oscar parties last night.
The fight for custody for children in Michigan same-sex couples: "A bill sponsored by Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith — a Democratic candidate for governor — that would allow adoption by an unwed partner is stalled on the House floor, as her peers appear unwilling to vote on an issue that could upset their conservative constituents."
Alice in Wonderland made mega mulah over the Oscar weekend.
Neil Patrick Harris wasn't lying when he said he wasn't performing a duet at the Academy Awards. He just wasn't telling the whole truth.
If you were to combine Victoria Beckham and Betty White, would the result be a Posh Golden Girl?