Sarah Palin and Adam Lambert were both on the Tonight Show last night
but the two didn't get within arm's reach of one another. According to
an anonymous source, "Both camps have made it clear they have no
interest in meeting backstage or on stage."
Johnny Weir is still strutting his stuff on the streets of NYC.
Weir on being "too gay:" "There are so many kids like me, coming after me, whose parents might
repress them just because they saw what they said about me, that their
kids are going to turn out like me. And I think me is pretty fabulous."
Two men have been charged with felony hate crimes for an anti-gay attack outside of a community center in Seattle this past January. "The victim is so fearful he has stopped attending his mosque, required by his faith."
Cam Gigandet is even more attractive holding his baby.
A Catholic church in the Netherlands will give communion to gays. If they want it.
Dave Navarro strips for PETA.
A bus driver in Sweden kicked a man off of his bus not because he as offended by his exposed underwear but apparently because he was afraid he "could get turned on."
Argentina gets its second gay marriage.
Is Governor Paterson just as kinky as Eliot Spitzer?
Neil Patrick Harris will star in the live action big screen adaptation of The Smurfs. It's probably a much better idea than it initially sounds.