The Supreme Court refused to recognize the request made by marriage equality to halt the law from taking effect in the District of Columbia tomorrow, the AP reports:
"Opponents of gay marriage in the nation's capital had asked Chief Justice John Roberts to stop the city from issuing the licenses on Wednesday while they appealed. They argued that D.C. voters should have been allowed to vote on the issue. Local courts have rejected the opponents' arguments.
'It has been the practice of the court to defer to the decisions of the courts of the District of Columbia on matters of exclusively local concern,' said Roberts, writing for the court.
He also pointed out that Congress could have voted to stop the city government from putting the law into effect and didn't.
Opponents have also asked city courts to allow a voter referendum on gay marriage, and they 'will have the right to challenge any adverse decision … in this court at the appropriate time,' Roberts said."
The relentless bigots are not giving up either, HRC Backstory reports:
"Today, opponents filed an unusual 'motion for clarification' in the D.C. Court of Appeals to request that it revisit last week's decision denying them a preliminary injunction.
Then late this afternoon, opponents also filed a frivolous complaint in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order, naming as defendants D.C., the Mayor and the Chief Judge of the D.C. Superior Court. Opponents claim their Fifth Amendment due process rights have been denied because they 'have not yet had a meaningful opportunity to brief the merits of their claim… or an opportunity to be heard.'"