Bullet that hit Rep. Eric Cantor's office in Richmond was fired randomly, police say.
Listen: Snippet of Christina Aguilera's new single "Not Myself Tonight".
Swimming with sharks: Anderson Cooper goes back for more.
CBS 5 bids an emotional farewell to retiring openly gay reporter Hank Plante.
Washington Secretary of State files brief to Supreme Court arguing for release of petition signer's names in Referendum 71 case: "In a brief written by Deputy Solicitor William Collins, the state defends the Public Records Act and the state's release policy. The act of signing a petition is described as a public legislative action by citizens, essentially like seconding a motion on a bill. No constitutional rights are abridged, and indeed, voters' need for pertinent election information is enhanced, the brief says."
Pennsylvania judge denies
lesbian couple a divorce.
Two gay Republicans join D.C. Council race: "Marc Morgan, who's challenging Graham, and Timothy Day, who's
challenging Council member Harry Thomas (D-Ward 5), describe themselves
as moderates with progressive views on social issues and
moderate-to-conservative stands on economic matters."
New owners of Fire Island Pines resort talk about what they'll do to it: "Their immediate plans for improvement are focused on improving the Blue Whale Restaurant, redesigning the Pavilion nightclub, adding a pool deck next to the hotel, and completely revamping the Hotel Ciel (known popularly as the Botel), a cinderblock monstrosity famous for its musty rooms, broken fixtures, shared bathrooms, and insanely inflated rates."
White House party crashers win: Salahis to appear on Real Housewives of D.C..
Indonesia bans
gay conference: "The decision was made after considering public
objections by Muslim groups and the Indonesian Ulema Council, an
influential board of Muslim clerics, he said.
'There are indications that the event could trigger a social crisis and
cause public unrest,' Brig. Gen. Ishak said. 'This ban was issued for
the sake of public order.'"
Jesus Luz models
in 3-D.
The frequently vandalized memorial to gay victims of the Holocaust in Berlin is causing controversy for plans to feature two lesbians in the "kiss" video viewable through the memorial's small window: "Alexander Zinn, a board member of the foundation that maintains the former Nazi concentration camps near Berlin, said such a move would distort history as there were no known Holocaust victims targeted for being lesbian."
Preble Street Homeless voices for Justice receives almost $10,000 from 150 new donors: "The group lost $17,400 for this fiscal year when the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland and the Washington-based Catholic Campaign for Human Development canceled grants because of Preble Street's support for same-sex marriage in last fall's statewide gay marriage referendum."
Lithuanian Prime Minister in radio interview: "In my personal opinion, Lithuania is tolerant enough a country, in comparison to such countries like Norway or Denmark, and you can neither call it Nazi, nor homophobic."