Jamal Parris, one of the four men who have accused anti-gay Pastor Eddie Long of sexual abuse, spoke out about the trauma yesterday.
Here's a bit of what the 24-year old told Atlanta's Fox affiliate about the alleged violations, and how Long "seduced" him into a place of submission:
His presence alone is seduction to a young man without a father. You look at him and he's everything you want to be, he's everything you see and you dream to be and being around him, it's almost like a drug. You can't believe the places you've added to your life and the cars that you're driving and the people that you're meeting, so it becomes 'If I want to continue to feel this love and this power, I'll do whatever my dad wants me to…'
If Parris and his peers are telling the truth, then Long's far sicker than any of us may have imagined.
Watch the rest of Parris' statement, AFTER THE JUMP.