Back in April, Andy wrote about the revelation, which came via an excerpt from Laura Bush's memoir, that the former first lady had nudged her husband at the time of the 2004 elections to "not (make) gay marriage a significant issue." "We have, I reminded him, a number of close friends who are gay or whose children are gay," she apparently explained. Bush is now talking about the issue again, time the thanks to some prodding from the Texas Tribune who asked her why she didn't speak publicly about it while living in the White House.
TT: "Let's talk a little bit about that responsibility. You found yourself back in the headlines not so long ago for taking positions on gay marriage and abortion that appeared to be at odds with your husband and with the GOP. What do you say to the critics who argue you had a responsibility to come forward sooner, or who suggest you maybe hid those opinions from view?"
Bush: "Well, I didn't hide them from view. They were very well known from the first day George was elected, when Katie Couric asked me the question. I'm not elected. I was not elected. George is. He's the one who's elected. I was not the elected official. It was not my responsibility, I didn't think, to speak out in ways to get in some sort of debate with him. I just didn't see that as part of my role."
In the interview, Bush is also asked if she is friendly with Michelle Obama. Said Bush: "there's a friendship that develops between all the first ladies, but, no, I don't talk to her that often."
Revisit the clip wherein Bush talks to Larry King about marriage equality, AFTER THE JUMP.