32,000 couples will marry today simply because of the date: 10/10/10.
Gareth Thomas on the two codes of rugby: "People don't even think – they just say it automatically because it's been bred in them. A lot of them don't even know what they're talking about. They're just sayin' it because everybody says it."
This girl makes a hot Jared Leto.
A report from the Toronto Sun on homophobia in the Netherlands: "If you think Amsterdam is the gay capital of Europe, you're half-right, but 10 years out of date. Today it's the gay-bashing capital of Europe. Because Amsterdam isn't just gay. Now it's Muslim, too."
Mariah Carey shows up at her husband's 30th birthday party amidst baby rumors.
Daniel Radcliffe's wardrobe gets autumnal.
A federal judge has ruled that the Chippendales look of a shirtless guy with wrist cuffs and a bow-tie collar cannot be trademarked.
It looks light the iPad might go on sale at Wal-Mart.
The argument for the self-driving car currently being tested by Google sounds like a good one: "Robot drivers react faster than humans, have 360-degree perception and do not get distracted, sleepy or intoxicated."
Like we need another reason to be afraid to fly: air traffic controllers are apparently getting more careless.
People really like the new Facebook movie.
Why isn't george Bush on the campaign trail; this election season? No one wants him.