In a new 60-second TV spot which starts airing today and will run for a full week in seven cable markets all over New Hampshire, activist and presidential hopeful Fred Karger's organization Rights Equal Rights exposes the National Organization for Marriage's anti-gay activities in the Granite State and elsewhere.
“Brian Brown, NOM's President, threatened in a video on November 3rd — the day after the election last fall — that NOM was going to repeal gay marriage in New Hampshire just like it has done in California and Maine. Brown also said that NOM was going to qualify a Constitutional Amendment in New Hampshire to end marriage equality by writing a ban into the state Constitution. NOM is relentless and stops at nothing to hurt and demean people…
…I want to let the citizens of New Hampshire know exactly what they are up against. This is the group that spent $1.5 MILLION to try and defeat Governor Lynch in the November election with their nasty commercials. NOM spent millions more in direct mail, robo calls, radio and TV commercials to overthrow the statehouse. NOM recently hit a roadblock, however, when Republican House Majority leader D. J. Bettencourt said that the Marriage issue would have to wait until 2012. NOM's response: a direct mail piece viciously attacking him to all the voters in his district."
Watch Karger's ad, AFTER THE JUMP…