Rick Santorum announced that he's entering the 2012 presidential race this morning on Good Morning America.
In the network interview, Santorum accused President Barack Obama of having a weak foreign policy, saying he doesn't feel he has stood up sufficiently to Iran and asserting he has done too little to speak out against Syrian President Bashir Assad for the violence there.
Watch Santorum's announcement, AFTER THE JUMP…
Said the former Senator with the Google problem: "We are ready to announce that we are going to be in this race and we're in it to win."
As you may recall, Santorum has compared same-sex marriage to sex with dogs, has said that it's "common sense" to keep gays from marrying and adopting children, wants to reinstate the ban on gays in the military, and has said that gays shouldn't have the "privilege of government benefits" offered to heterosexual couples, yet Santorum claims he's not a homophobe.
Watch Santorum's announcement, AFTER THE JUMP…