NY Presbyterian minister to defy church and marry same-sex couple.
Damon's dome.
Ashton Kutcher strips down with his Two and a Half Men co-stars.
South Africa: Great White Shark jumps from ocean into research boat.
Gay advocacy group GLAD sues town of Gilsum, NH for trying to take Cleve Jones HIV/AIDS Wellness House for not paying property taxes: "It's an egregious violation of constitutional equal treatment."
Borders bookstores to liquidate: "The Ann Arbor-based bookseller had been trying to reorganize for five months, but was overwhelmed with debt, losses and changing consumer tastes."
NY Episcopal bishops split on same-sex marriage: "…gay and lesbian Episcopalians will be allowed on Sunday to get married by priests in Brooklyn and Queens, but not in the Bronx or Manhattan or on Staten Island; in Syracuse but not in Albany. That is because the church has not taken a firm position nationally on same-sex marriage, leaving local bishops with wide latitude to decide what priests may do when the law takes effect in New York State."
Alexander Skarsgard got an honorary doctorate for being a hot vampire.
Rugby player Gareth Thomas pulls on your harp strings.
WH press secretary dodges question on "ex-gay" therapy.
Florida judge rules HIV notification laws apply only to straight people: "The loophole was noticed only recently. An HIV-positive woman was accused of having sex with another woman without informing her of her status. However, the judge ruled that because their actions were not technically 'sexual intercourse,' the law could not be applied. According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, that interpretation of the law must now be applied statewide."
Asheville, NC police investigating attack on man as anti-gay hate crime.
Christopher Gorham's chest is 'covert' no longer.
Tim Cusack on Broadway's binary line between gay and straight: "I view 'Priscilla' and 'The Normal Heart' as twin theatrical poles between which is stretched the queer (male) body. On one end, gay men are fabulous, feminine and frivolous; on the other, tortured, dangerous, martyred."
TRAILER: Jersey Shore goes to Italy.
Harry Potter and the Alternate Ending.
Leisure Dive: the summer plank?
Tim Pawlenty suspected of pushing Bachmann 'migraine' story.
Bachmann bodyguards rough up ABC's Brian Ross: "A couple of guys really just came at him. There were a few cops there and there were what looked to me like two bodyguards…and their hands were on him. They were…sort of manhandling and pushing him and you know at one point it looked like they were kind of holding him back, pulling him away from her as he was just trying to ask her this question. And she just ignored the question…And got in her car and drove away."
City in China pirates entire Apple Store.
Ars Technica's definitive (20-page) review of Mac OSX Lion.
Mormon couple ends "fireside" sessions for gay LDS members: "Most of the attendees are male, and many deal with same-gender attraction. For the countless Latter-day Saints struggling with the challenges associated with same-gender attraction, there are questions without answers. Many suffer in silence, feeling ashamed and hopeless. For six years, the Matises gave hope to countless attendees at their firesides."