Equality Maryland launches search for Executive Director.
150 march to City Hall in Holland, MI, protest rejection of LGBT anti-discrimination law.
Ben Cohen's StandUp Foundation launches official site.
Annette Charles, who played Cha Cha DiGregorio in Grease, has died of cancer at 63.
Council study: Liverpool should recognize its gay village. "The report, which will be presented to councillors next week, recommends that the area – including Eberle Street and Cumberland Street – be registered as the centre-point of the gay community in a bid to boost tourism and encourage spending. The news comes as Liverpool prepares to host its official Pride celebration, this weekend."
Tori Amos releases some promo pics for her new album Night of Hunters.
PHOTOS: Chris Colfer bought a home in Laurel Canyon.
Fred Karger: Shame on Al Cardenas and CPAC for rejecting GOProud. "As the first openly gay candidate to run for president of either party, I have hit some bumps in the road, but I have to say that my treatment by the American Conservative Union was the most hurtful and hateful to date." Meanwhile, World Net Daily takes credit for purging of GOProud.
Kellan Lutz has yet another shirtless work-out.
Cher Guevara.
Juno mission to Jupiter launch imminent: "It will be one wild ride. After arcing over Jupiter's north pole, the spacecraft will rip past the planet's equator at 60 kilometres per second, threading the gap between swirling cloud tops and a zone of high-energy radiation that would fry its delicate electronics. It will then swing out into space and repeat the harrowing journey 32 times more."
Gay Madison man wins right to be ordained by Presbyterian church.
Robert Levithan on dating someone young enough to be your grandson: "I have a problem that many would not, on the surface, see as a problem: I'm getting hit on by men in their early twenties—a lot…Recently, it was a 25-year-old I met on Grindr. Then there's this 24-year-old who's returning from Turkey next week. I usually think they're older. The Turk has a full beard and is very much an 'I'm in charge' kind of guy. That appeals to me. In most of my life, I'm the man in front of the room, the leader, so in romance, I like to relax. However, I can't cede power to a clueless kid. So, what am I getting myself into?"
Channing Tatum gets away with all kinds of outfits cause he's Channing Tatum.
Randy Roberts Potts on his grandfather, Oral Roberts: “Homosexuality and the Bible have never mixed in the eyes of Evangelical Christians. It comes from a deep-seated prejudice. They can't relate to it, like you and I can't relate to sleeping with a girl; it's a little gross. There's a natural prejudice they have to overcome.”
Senator Mitch McConnell: "I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting. Most of us didn't think that. What we did learn is this—it's a hostage that's worth ransoming."
Man arrested in connection with deaths of gay couple: "Rasmussen was named as a person of interest in the deaths of Rome Sanchez, 55, and Ronald Ford, 63, who had opened their Denver home to him because he had nowhere to go…Rasmussen, a cross-dresser who goes by the name of 'Ms. Puppy,' was said to be homeless and was last seen living with the victims at their home at 122 N. Stuart Street."