Dayton City Commissioner Dean Lovelace let his campaign website domain lapse, and it was quickly scooped up by an activist using it to highlight Lovelace's anti-gay positions, the Dayton Daily News reports:
David Lauri writes on that he opposes Lovelace in large part because of his 1999 and 2007 votes against ordinances to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. The 2007 law passed despite Lovelace's “no” vote. “It's not fair, but I think (legally) he can do it,” Lovelace said this week. “I think he's a jerk. … I've not done anything to him, ever.”
Lauri, of Dayton, said Friday he has little desire to discuss the issue with Lovelace, who he said has been in office too long. Lovelace has served on the commission since 1993.
“I think it's fine that he's angry, but he has done something to me and every other gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender person in Dayton (through his votes),” Lauri said.
Lovelace tells the paper that he voted against the anti-discrimination law because he was pissed that the gay rights movement was being compared to the civil rights movement. Said Lovelace: “I say that's crap. That's crap.”