Seeking to allay concerns about the legitimacy of same-sex marriages performed for foreigners in Canada following news yesterday about a pending court case, Canadian Justice Minister Rob Nicholson spoke out today at a Canadian Club luncheon:
Speaking at a Toronto luncheon Friday, Mr. Nicholson blamed the Liberal government that preceded his for not filling a “legislative gap” that has left thousands of same-sex couples in an agonizing position of being unable to divorce should they feel a need to.
The situation has been “completely unfair to those affected.” Mr. Nicholson said. “I want to make it clear that in our government's view, these marriages are valid.”
Nicholson added:
The Civil Marriage Act will be changed to ensure that any marriages performed in Canada that aren't recognized in the couple's home jurisdiction will be recognized in Canada nonetheless, he said.
“This will apply to all marriages performed in Canada,” Mr. Nicholson said. “We have been clear that we have no desire to reopen this issue – both myself and the Prime Minister consider this debate to be closed.”