Martha Boggs, the owner of Knoxville, Tennessee's Bistro at the Bijou restaurant who refused to serve "Don't Say Gay" bill author Senator Stacey Campfield last week, explains why she did it to the Knoxville News.
Boggs also posted a thank you to her supporters on the restaurant's Facebook page yesterday.
Dear Friends
I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful e-mails and posts sent over the last few days. While I have read each and every one of them, I dearly wish that I had the time to respond to you all personally. The stories and emotions that you shared with me are deeply touching. I truly had no idea that the power of the internet would take this story of a simple act of defiance and take it all the way around the world in a matter of 72 hours and touch so many lives.
I am just a hill billy from Ducktown TN, my family is blue collar. I have worked really hard to get where I am today but I had a lot of help along the way. Like many of you I was bullied and teased for various reasons but in the end it only made me stronger. I hope that the pain that many of you have endured will help make you stronger as well.
While I truly appreciate the sentiment to come by and patronize my establishment, that was not my intent, but if you trulyfwwl compeled to make a contribution against hatred and intolerance, please donate to the local politican of your choice where you money and your vote will do the most good to you personally.
let the healing begin, it will get better.
Martha Boggs