Michele Bachmann attacked radio host Howard Stern for "demonizing" her in a widely-distributed clip of his show which took Bachmann and Rick Santorum and other anti-gay Republicans to task for their homophobic positions which perpetuate intolerance and violence toward gay people.
Wrote Bachmann in an email to supporters:
Earlier this week, notorious shock jock Howard Stern called me "the worst person in the world" during his daily radio show.
To conservatives, this message from Howard Stern, a man whose only contribution to our culture was years of corrupting America's youth on public airwaves, was clear: "either abandon your beliefs and agree with me, or be dragged through the mud and demonized on national radio." I don't accept this false choice, and I know you don't either.
While Stern can say anything he wants on satellite radio, his words have an impact on his millions of listeners as well as the people his listeners talk to, which is why I need your help to counteract with our positive message. We must fight back and maintain our focus on what is important.
These are serious times, and our nation faces serious issues. The direction that America is headed requires serious discussion by serious people, and Howard Stern is not a serious person. We cannot allow attacks from him or anybody else to distract us from a laser focus on what is truly important: holding President Obama and his Democratic allies accountable for their mortgaging of our future. I know you share my determination and, with your help, our message of prosperity for our nation's future will drown out the noise of their attacks.
Stern is ready to fire back at Bachmann
Tweeted Stern over the weekend:
"Just read Michelle bachman's comments. Can't wait to get back on the air. Spoke with the lord a few minutes ago and he is on my side. If thinking that gay people have a right to happiness is corrupting America then I will continue corrupting them. Time to shun this woman."