President Obama will be sharing the stage with Freedom to Marry's Evan Wolfson as they both receive the Barnard Medal of Distinction at the New York City college's commencement Monday, Buzzfeed reports.
Will it place added pressure on Obama's marriage equality "evolution"?
Wolfson tells Buzzfeed:
If I got to whisper in the President's ear, I would thank him for the important steps he has already taken in support of the freedom to marry, applaud him for speaking in such personal terms about the journey he and so many Americans have made to understand who gay families are and why marriage matters, and encourage him to complete that journey and join the national majority for Americans. And if we happen to be standing near a hot mike, I expect that would get a unanimous standing ovation from the graduates who, like the overwhelming super-majority of young people now favoring the freedom to marry, want this president with them on the right side of history, with liberty and justice for all.