Rachel Maddow talks to Newsweek/Daily Beast about being outed to her very Catholic family by the school newspaper at Stanford, which promised they wouldn't run an article in which she outed herself before she told her family, which the paper did. Maddow says she still feels burned, and angry at herself for putting herself in that position:
They would have had a hard time with me coming out anyway, but this was a particularly nasty way for them to find out. They're wonderful now, and couldn't be more supportive, but they took it poorly at first, which I don't fault them for. They were shocked and upset and hurt. First of all, they were having to deal with the fact that I'm gay. Second of all, they were having to deal with the fact that I'm gay in the newspaper. And third of all, they were having to deal with the fact that they've raised some sort of horrific, callous rug rat who would tell the student paper before telling her family.
It took a while for them to get over it. My family's very, very Catholic, so that was part of the initial upset. But I actually think that having a really strong faith is part of the reason they got over it—despite Catholic teaching being very antigay. Having a faith tradition was helpful for them and gave them the strength to get over this difficult thing.