Ithaca College's acapella groups have produced a new 'Born This Way' single to benefit Lady Gaga's Born This Way foundation and NYC's Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBT youth, The Ithacan reports:
A cappella groups Ithacappella, Premium Blend and IC Voicestream are working to produce a new arrangement of Gaga's single “Born This Way” for her new charity, the Born This Way Foundation, an organization devoted to making people feel more comfortable as individuals.
Senior Adam Polaski, president of Voicestream, said this song hits close to home.
“I feel really privileged to have grown up as a gay guy with significant positive reinforcement from my friends and parents,” he said. “I get really upset hearing stories about kids who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning who have not had it so easy.”
Check out a snippet, AFTER THE JUMP…
Pick it up on iTunes here.