Approximately 550,000 people have signed up to eat Chick-fil-A tomorrow following a call to action from Mike Huckabee to show their support for Dan Cathy and his company's donations to anti-gay causes.
The Christian Civic League of Maine is actually bussing bigots to Massachusetts to eat there because there are no Chick-fil-A restaurants in Maine:
“We are calling on folks that agree with Mr. Cathy to make their way to Chick-fil-A to show their support for him,” Christian Civic League executive director Carroll Conley said in an interview Tuesday, referring to Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy.
Meanwhile, a report released today valued Cathy's chicken empire at $4.5 billion, Bloomberg reports:
The two sons of Samuel Truett Cathy, the chicken sandwich empire's founder — Dan Cathy, 59, and Donald Cathy, who is known as Bubba — have joined the ranks of the world's richest, according to a report published today by PrivCo, a New York- based research firm that specializes in private companies' financial data.
The report values Chick-fil-A at $4.5 billion. Dan Cathy, the company's president, and Don Cathy, its executive vice president, each own a third of the restaurant chain, according to a person familiar with the company who asked not to be named because it is closely held. Neither has appeared on an international wealth list.
“The sons have been involved in running the company for many years,” said Kenneth L. Bernhardt, a professor at Georgia State University's business school and a longtime consultant for Chick-fil-A, in a phone interview today.