Ten staffers at a Sacramento-based Boy Scout camp quit in protest after officials there fired an Eagle Scout, allegedly for being gay.
Target would like same-sex couples to know they can register their wedding at any of the retailer's many locations.
Maine Secretary of State Charlie Summer today released the official, final language for the marriage equality referendum on November's ballot. It's simple and to the point: "Do you want to allow the State of Maine to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples?"
Some say that giving the thumbs up is lame, but clearly those critics have never seen Jon Hamm tossing it up.
Straight men run Spartan Race while dressed as ambiguously gay duo.
David Beckham and UNICEF join forces to end child hunger.
Massachusetts' Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that civil unions must be treated just that same as marriages.
No, out actor Matt Bomer will not star in the film version of straight "mommy porn." But he is shirtless in these pictures!
Can Twitter predict when you will catch the flu?
Astronaut Sally Ride's relationship with a woman has become a hot political topic now that she's died. The AP notes that Ride's passing has launched a "post-humous debate about coming out," while to Amy Davidson at The New Yorker, Ride's death raises questions about essentially about "how old is too old to stay in the closet: "[We may] have reached a moment where being a “private person” is no longer a satisfying answer to the dilemma of the closet. Ride was sixty-one, and so there is talk of the mores of a certain generation'… But at some point the line between quiet, and silent, and withholding becomes unclear."
Sally Ride's sister has also spoken about the late astronaut's relationship with Tam O'Shaughnessy.
Here's some shameless self-promotion: a look at how Frank Capra's 1941 movie Meet John Doe mirrors the modern Tea Party movement, and a lot of other political movements, too.
"Can AIDS activism battle the Tea Party?" wonders Michael Stabile.
Will DC Comics cast oft-forgotten 80s-era character Vibe as Bunker's boyfriend in Teen Titans? It's worth nothing that Vibe, whose powers are music-generated, has long been rumored to be light in the loafers.
Change of heart: "Archbishop Philip Tartaglia has agreed to meet with the homosexual lover of a deceased Scottish politician. The newly appointed Archbishop of Glasgow has been heavily criticized for implying that the politician, David Cairns, died suddenly because of his homosexual lifestyle."
Prince Michael Jackson's text messages with Auntie Janet Jackson give us a glimpse into the famous clan's dysfunction.