Netflix has released a teaser trailer and first-look images for the upcoming biopic, Maestro. Directed and starring Bradley Cooper, the film tells the story of Leonard Bernstein, a renowned conductor and composer who had relationships with both men and women in his lifetime. Cooper is joined by Carey Mulligan, who plays Felicia Montealegre Cohn Bernstein, Bernstein's lifelong partner.
Maestro will be available for streaming on Netflix on September 20th, followed by a cinema release in the UK on November 24th.
Described as “a love letter to life and art,” the film aims to portray the epic emotions of family and love. Produced by Martin Scorsese, Bradley Cooper, Steven Spielberg, and others, Maestro also features a talented cast including Matt Bomer, Maya Hawke, Sarah Silverman, and Josh Hamilton.
This marks Cooper's directorial return since the success of A Star Is Born in 2019. Maestro is the second major film this year to explore the life of a queer conductor, following Tár, which starred Cate Blanchett.