New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg today announced that he's promised a total of $500,000 in matching challenge donations for the next five days to battles for marriage equality in Washington and Maine and against the anti-gay marriage amendment in Minnesota aimed at raising $1 million for the campaigns:
The Mayor pledged $250,000 to Washington United for Marriage, $125,000 to Mainers United for Marriage and $125,000 to Minnesotans United for All Families. The pledges will help each group raise additional money by matching new contributions made in the homestretch of the campaign. If the challenge is successful, it will raise $1 million for the cause of marriage equality in the three states.
“Government has no business denying marriage licenses to a whole class of couples in Maine, Minnesota, Washington or anywhere else,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “The 14th Amendment guarantees us all equal protection under the law, and marriage equality is the next big step in America's long march of freedom. The barriers to it are bound to fall; the question is not if but when. I was proud to help support the successful effort to achieve marriage equality in New York State, and I'm proud to stand with supporters of marriage equality around the country this November.”
Visit Mainers United here, Minnesotans United for All Families here, and Washington United for Marriage here to pledge donations.
Las week, Bloomberg announced that he had made a personal donation of $250,000 to Marylanders for Marriage Equality, which you can visit here.