Activist Fred Karger, of Rights Equal Rights, reminds us in an email sent yesterday that NOM President Brian Brown is rolling in cash. Karger made the note after several attempts to get a copy of the 2011 501(c)3 tax return of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM):
Maybe they don't want us to know that NOM President Brian Brown made over $500,000 dollars in 2011. He was paid $230,000 by NOM's political operation where he claimed to work a minimum of 40 hours per week, and another whopping $230,000 from NOM's Educational Fund where he claimed to work another 40 hours per week. Add $47,000 in benefits and you have the “Half Million Dollar Man.”
NOM staff ran away from Karger when he went to their offices:
“When I went to the NOM Office a few days ago, the NOM staff literally ran away from me when I asked for a copy of their 501(c)3 tax return, which must be made available to the public,” said Fred Karger, founder of Rights Equal Rights and longtime NOM watchdog.
“One staffer leaving the office immediately ducked into the waiting elevator and wouldn't respond to my request for the tax return. I then rang the office doorbell (their door is locked tight); another staffer came to the door, wouldn't open it and yelled out, ‘it's on our web site!' While standing there in disbelief, a minute later another NOM staff member, probably coming back from lunch, saw me and ran into the NOM office slamming the door behind him.”
NOM is on the losing end of its battle to stop gay marriage and Brian Brown and Maggie Gallagher are just working now for all the money they're pulling in. “It's pure greed, plain and simple,” added Karger. “They are living the good life of the ‘One Percent' while claiming to work 80 hours a week to destroy the lives of others.”
“We've seen their sleazy internal documents thanks to all the hard work of the State of Maine Attorney General's office and the Maine Ethics Commission, who have been investigating NOM and Brian Brown for 3 ½ years on my charges of money laundering. This investigation is a result of a sworn complaint we filed against NOM back in August 2009.”
Tax returns online here.