UPDATE: School reverses, story here.
Another discriminatory school situation, this time in Scott County, Missouri, where a senior high school student is not being allowed to bring a male date to the prom, KFVS reports:
Dawson asked Scott County Central administrators if he could bring his same-sex date to the senior prom.
"The school board says since it was in the handbook it could be awhile before it was changed, and I probably would not be able to bring my date," said Dawson.
The handbook states, "High School students will be permitted to invite one guest, girls invite boys and boys invite girls."
"We looked at the policy and realized it was blatantly unconstitutional," said Alesdair Ittelson. Ittelson is a staff attorney for the civil rights group Southern Poverty Law Center. Ittelson sent a letter to Scott County Central School District Officials requesting them to change the handbook.
"It tells LGBT students that they don't deserve the same rights as their heterosexual peers, and that's not right and that's not constitutional," said Ittelson.
Watch the KFVS report, AFTER THE JUMP…