Richard P. Sheridan (Above), a losing candidate in Dallas' recent City Council elections, is making headlines now over a voicemail he left reporter Dan Koller at D Magazine, excoriating Koller over an election preview article he wrote, accusing Koller of failing to inform his readers that his opponent Leland Burk, is gay.
Said Sheridan: "You sir are a cunt, bitch, coward…you're a propagandist for the sodomite. When I see you, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but minimally your eardrums will hurt you motherf**ker."
"You can't try to apply logic to the raving lunatic who left me a voicemail at 9:24 on Saturday night in which he called me a coward six times, a “[see you next Tuesday]” five times, a “mother[lover]” four times, a bitch twice, “a disgrace to our city” once, and “a sorry ass” once. In the middle of all that, he also said, “I don't think you have one testicle, sir.” (He's wrong about that last point, but I appreciate him calling me “sir.”)
Listen to the voicemail, AFTER THE JUMP…