22-year-old dancer Jeppe Hansen was accepted to the prestigious Royal Winnipeg Ballet School and received a scholarship for their professional division in September 2012. Then officials discovered that in his short time attending the school Jeppe chose to act in porn. Officials decided was no longer welcome in the school, reports CBC.
Jeppe decided to do porn after being frustrated by what he viewed as the constraints of ballet. Porn was a side project that would allow him to be the artist he wants to be, while ballet "is restrictive. Everyone tells you what you have to do, how to look, what to weigh, how to perform [and] be the artist you are."
Emmy-award-winning producer Jake Jaxson, the owner of the site that Jeppe performed for, shares a similar sentiment in regards to the artistic value of porn and is trying to blur the lines between mainstream and adult entertainment. He wants to make films that have storylines as well as sex, and points out that the extreme violence present in many films is not regarded as being outside of the mainstream. This echoes James Franco in Interior. Leather Bar. when he stated "Sex should be a storytelling tool, but we're so f**king scared of it," and pointed out how the common and natural acts of sex – gay sex in particular – are subjected to much higher levels of censorship than extreme violence.
Though a victim of the sex-phobic culture that insists on the dichotomoy that "porn is bad" but consumes it en masse, slut-shaming the actors who dare perform in it all the while, Jeppe insists that his dancing career is not over. For now, he is taking a break until he can find a place where he can fit in.