A Vancouver, Washington mother's call to school administrators may have foiled her son's plan to kill a fellow classmate, KPTV reports:
The mother of an 11-year-old boy called school administrators to report her son may have taken kitchen knives to school, and that's what led police to find 400 rounds of ammunition and a gun in his possession, according to court documents released Thursday.
Vancouver police school resource officers detained the boy at Frontier Middle School on Wednesday at 9 a.m. after the mother's phone call. They said they found a .22 caliber handgun in his front pants pocket.
Detectives interviewed school administrators, and were told the boy said a voice in his head was telling him to kill a classmate for calling his friend gay, the court documents said.
In a later interview with police, the boy told detectives he planned to shoot his classmate in the arm, and then shoot himself in the head.
The boy is being held on charges of first-degree attempted assault, unlawful possession of a firearm and possession of a dangerous weapon on school facilities.
Watch KPTV's report, AFTER THE JUMP…