NOM is (unwisely) planning a second 'March for Marriage'.
Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza indicted for campaign fraud.
Anderson Cooper hails the arrival of Mini Cooper.
Big Gay Ice Cream to open first L.A. shop: "After two successful Los Angeles pop-ups in the Big Gay Ice Cream truck, which drew throngs of fans, owners Douglas Quint and Bryan Petroff are opening their first ice cream parlor outside of New York. Located on 9th Street, it's in the burgeoning neighborhood that now centers around the newly opened Ace Hotel on Broadway."
McDonald's "CheersToSochi campaign meets with LGBT backlash.
Christian blogger apologizes for years of attacks on same-sex marriage: "Your same sex marriage hasn't affected the sanctity of mine. Not even a little. The fact that I've lived in states where my LGBT friends and neighbors are treated equal in the eyes of the law has not in the smallest way, done anything to harm the 'sanctity' of my marriage."
The Immunity Project is crowdsourcing an AIDS vaccine.
Justin Bieber "cried his eyes out" then jumped on an SUV to wave at fans after he was released from jail.
Jeremy Bieber defends his son. “I can protect my kids, but I can't protect them from you and your lies. Believe in the truth not in the lies of the enemy."
Liberace's former lover Scott Thorson faces 8 to 20 years in prison for failing court-ordered drug test while on probation for burglary and identity theft convictions.
What's it like to be an openly gay couple in Nebraska? "Leak and Yost aren't exactly discreet about their sexual orientation. 'If there's some closeted teenager in town, we want to let him know it's OK, you can be gay and be successful and have a good life,' says Yost." In 2002, two years after 70 percent of Nebraskans voted in a still-standing ban on same-sex marriage, the couple held a public 'commitment ceremony' in a church in the state capital."
Stoli donates $300K to the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center.
LGBT teen Jacob Rudolph looks back on a year of being out of the closet: "I think the issues in the future are going to be more about youth and transgender roles," he said. "And that's where empathy matters. People's views change when they know someone gay, or bi or transgender. I come out to my neighbor, and my neighbor now knows a gay person. They have a more intimate connection to the gay community and they consider things they haven't before."
Everyone loves Lupita Nyong'o.
Jon Hamm took his bulge out for a walk.
Colombia's Marcus Bachmann launches Senate campaign.
Mike Huckabee: Democrats tell women "they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government."
National Journal: The 30 most influential out Washingtonians.
UK trio guilty of anti-gay attack: "Dominic Nagy, of Dudley Street, Orford, Vladimir Puchala, of Patterdale Avenue, Orford, and Martin Uhlar, of Tyne Close, Orford, attacked a man after he was invited to the house for drinks. The men, aged between 24 and 33, punched the victim repeatedly and shouted homophobic abuse as he tried to escape. The court heard how the victim was invited to the house on Densham Avenue on June 1 after chatting to a man he believed to be called Stephan on a Slovakian chat room for several hours earlier that day."