President Obama far exceeds any other president when it comes to using the word "gay" in speeches, statements, or proclamations, the AP reports:
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group, did some digging and found that President Barack Obama has used "gay" 272 times since taking office in 2009, far more than any of his recent predecessors: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Only Clinton comes closest to Obama, having used "gay" 216 times during his two terms, says a new report from the advocacy group…
The bulk of Clinton's usage came when he was discussing the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy, which he signed, and during the time Matthew Shepard was murdered.
George W. Bush used the word twice, once when he was speaking against marriage equality, and neither his father George H.W. Bush nor Ronald Reagan ever used the word in an official capacity.
"President Obama has used the word 'transgender' at least 33 times in speeches, statements and proclamations. He's used the word 'bisexual' at least 28 times, and 'lesbian' at least 88 times, according to HRC.
Additionally, "Obama also has used 'lesbian,' 'gay,' 'bisexual' or 'transgender' a total of 421 times."
The full report can be found HERE.