Following news that Guinness would join Heineken in pulling its sponsorship of the NYC St. Patrick's Day parade over its policy excluding gay groups, News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch got on Twitter to declare his outrage.
Murdoch urged "all Irish" to boycott Guinness for supporting gay groups, which he said "bullied" the beer maker into pulling out.
Tweeted Murdoch: "Where will this end? Guinness pulls out of religious parade bullied by gay orgs who try to take it over. Hope all Irish boycott the stuff"
Where will this end? Guinness pulls out of religious parade bullied by gay orgs who try to take it over. Hope all Irish boycott the stuff
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) March 17, 2014
In related news, Laura Ingraham described the Guinness move as "thuggish behavior" while singnut Todd Starnes declared, "So apparently parading is now a civil right."
And Catholic spokeshater Bill Donohue is on the Murdoch boycott beat.