Wingnut leader of the Christian Broadcasting Network Pat Robertson yesterday claimed that the gay community is preparing to drive Christians out of business and turn the U.S. into a “perverse” place that is ripe for “destruction.”
Wingnut leader of the Christian Broadcasting Network Pat Robertson yesterday claimed that the gay community is preparing to drive Christians out of business and turn the U.S. into a “perverse” place that is ripe for “destruction,” reports Right Wing Watch.
Responding to a report on Colorado baker Jack Phillips' ongoing fight to be allowed to discriminate against same-sex couples, Robertson said:
“What our civil rights commissions and others are saying is, ‘We want to endanger our society and set it up for the judgment of God and if you Christians don't like it then get out.”
Comparing demands for LGBTI equality with the biblical story Sodom and Gomorrah, he continued:
“What the gays are saying is, ‘we're going to drive you out of town, either you conform to us or you must leave.' That's the message that's being put out, it's the same message that there was in Sodom and Gomorrah: You're either going to have sex with angels or have open sex with anybody or else you leave, or you go out of business. That's America, you don't want that, do you?”