Bryan Fischer has warned that advertisers face a backlash from "ordinary Americans" because of ads aimed at the LGBT community.
In recent months there has been a marked increase in LGBT-focused advertising.
A recent spot for Chevrolet which includes both same-sex and single parent families with the voice-over "while what it means to be family hasn't changed, what a family looks like has,” are representative of this shift towards LGBT-friendly advertising.
Speaking to Press Telegram, Bob Witeck, president of strategic communications firm Witeck Communications said:
“What we're witnessing is the idea that you don't have to isolate gay ads and messaging to markets only intended for gay people. Families all look different from the traditional family Americans grew up with 50 years ago. They are far more multiracial, more single parents, more gay couples raising kids. If you start leaving them out, you're not only erasing gay people, but you're also erasing people who are part of people's family.”
However, Fischer, Director of Issues Analysis for fundamentalist Christian non-profit group The American Family Association, which maintains, argued:
“I think eventually this LGBT advertising push is gonna trigger a blowback from ordinary Americans. I think that ordinary Americans are getting fed up with having the homosexual agenda shoved down their throats when they're watching TV with their families. What American families are gonna begin to react to is that they are recognizing that this is no longer about advertising a product. This is about propaganda for a sexually deviant lifestyle.”
Watch the gay-themed Chevrolet ad which may have aroused Fischer's furor, AFTER THE JUMP…