An unnamed organization has decided to muddy the waters by erecting a billboard in Columbus that reads "Holy Matrimony is One Man and One Woman" as Ohio's 6th Circuit Court is about to begin hearing marriage equality cases. According to activists with GetEQUAL Ohio, this was done deliberately to try to confuse the public and misdirect them into believing that the courts are deciding on religious rights and freedoms instead of basic human rights and equality. Wrote GetEQUAL Ohio's co-founder Tom Morgan on Facebook:
We will not let this sort of thing stand without a RESPONSE! We are NOT going after anyone's statement of their 'closely held religious beliefs'. It's the TIMING, the thinly veiled underlying message, and 'confusion' of terms that are 'problems'.
A protest was scheduled for this past Sunday, and in attendance was Stephen Snyder-Hill, the Army vet who was famously booed on national television for daring to ask a question about DADT during the Republican presidential debates, among about a dozen others. The protesters made it clear that they don't object to anyone's particular "sincerely-held religious beliefs", but the timing and apparent intent of the sign.
You can watch local news coverage of the protest AFTER THE JUMP…