The infamous Phil Robertson of A&E's Duck Dynasty fame is shaping up to be one of those reality TV stars who will give the spotlight back once his body is interred and not a moment sooner. His latest bid for attention has him hawking his new book, unPHILtered: The Way I See It, which included an interview with ABC News' Ryan Owens. In the interview, he addresses the various topics that got him in trouble, including his stance on homosexuality. Of that, Robertson said:
I'm as much of a homophobe as Jesus was. The people who are participating in homosexual behavior, they need to know that I love them.
An interesting stance to take given that Jesus never said one word about homosexuality, so it's impossible to know whether he'd have been a member of PFLAG or Westboro. It's also hard to believe one is coming from a position of love when his position lumps LGBT people in with terrorists and zoophiles. Not exactly an intelligent or enlightened view for a person who claims to be a "highly-educated man" with a master's degree.
You can watch Robertson's interview with ABC - where he clarifies that the Bible was the only source he could go to in order to answer a question about homosexuality - AFTER THE JUMP…