Right Wing Watch reports that on today's 700 Club, a viewer asked televangelist Pat Robertson how she should handle her daughter's recent revelation that she is in a same-sex relationship.
Responded Robertson:
She needs somebody to help her get her identity straight. She may not be right in this. She may have thought she has a crush on some other girl along the way and she's actually homosexual and she's not. I don't know. The whole question of sexual identity has gotten so blurred in the press, it's hard to know. Why is she that way? Was she molested when she was younger?
When co-host Terry Meeuwsen then mentioned that people nowadays are "telling kids to explore" their sexuality – Robertson brought up what must surely be his favorite film genre: 'girl-on-girl'
Said Robertson:
The 'girl-on-girls' movies more and more and more. They're getting straight actresses to play lesbians and straight men to play homosexuals and if you say anything against homosexuality you are just hooted out of court.
By this point in Robertson's career, it should be abundantly apparent that he's the last person you would want giving any sort of advice – gay or otherwise.