Yesterday, in the wake of the Supreme Court's refusal to take up any of the seven marriage equality cases pending before it, our own Ari Ezra Waldman offered analysis as to why each judge on the Court may have wanted to duck the equality question at this time. On her show last night, Rachel Maddow took a look at the path that led to yesterday's decision (or lack thereof) and what may have motivated it. She wondered, since it only takes 4 votes for the Supreme Court to decide to hear a case, why didn't the anti-gay marriage wing of the Court (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Alito and Thomas) want to take the opportunity to try and reverse some of the "damage" done by United States v. Windsor (a case in which all 4 justices dissented)? Could there be a Machiavellian motive at play?
Watch and listen to Rachel's take along with an interview with Edie Windsor and Roberta Kaplan, AFTER THE JUMP…