We all know that Catholic League's Bill Donohue is a bloviating mass of bigotry, a fact accented by his even viler than usual commentary on the attack on Paris' Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper. Last Thursday he went onto Hugh Hewitt's radio show to talk about his views, figuring that since Hewitt was a fellow Catholic conservative that he was in good company. He was so very wrong.
Rather than being a person similarly devoid of morals or human decency, Hewitt took a stand against Donohue and took him to task for his hate, saying:
Bill, I've often agreed with you over the years, because like you, I'm an orthodox Catholic, went to confession on Saturday, Mass on Saturday night. […] And I have to say I'm appalled, and I'm embarrassed, and I'm urging you to rethink this.
You blamed the victim before their bodies were cold. Everyone listening to this show believes that you are blaming the victim before their bodies were cold. It's deeply embarrassing to me as a Catholic.
Donohue, never one to ever admit wrongdoing in anything and very much of the "You're only either my friend or my enemy" mindset, took to Twitter to give his assessment of how the interview went:
Catholic League's Bill Donohue DESTROYS Hugh Hewitt @hughhewitt @DailyCaller @HashtagGriswold http://t.co/l5edSzf0Ta
— Catholic League (@CatholicLeague) January 8, 2015
The twitterverse was having none of it, however, and calling a spade a spade…which is, to say, a tool for spreading bullshit.
The interview is a hefty 23 minutes, but the folks at The New Civil Rights Movement insist that you'll be enraptured to the end. It is certainly chock-full of schadenfreude. You can give it a listen AFTER THE JUMP…