Supermodel Naomi Campbell recently spoke with GLAAD about her upcoming role on the show Empire, which prominently features a gay storyline, and, more broadly, about why she supports the LGBT community. Referring to her recent appearance at GLAAD's media awards and questions she received on the red carpet as to why she was there, Campbell responded, "Why shouldn't I be here? I was…if it wasn't for gay men I wouldn't exist. Hair, make-up, designer, photographer, stylist, manicure, hair-dresser, I mean, I just wouldn't exist. I owe my life to gay men. And it's just what I've grown up with. It's my family."
Speaking about the character Jamal on Empire, who is gay, Campbell commented, "I think Jamal's character is so important. And it will hopefully bring a lot of people out."
Watch Campbell's interview, AFTER THE JUMP…
Campbell will make her first appearance on Empire on January 21st.