Alabama public service commissioner Chip Beeker expressed his dismay at a number of perceived social ills plaguing the American public during a convening of the Alabama Public Service Commission earlier this week.
In his six minute screed, Beeker railed against everything from welfare to the imminent arrival of gay marriage in his state. Much of Beeker's rant echoes the outcry directed at U.S. District Judge Callie V. Granade's ruling striking down the state's gay marriage ban and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals's refusal to extend her stay on the ruling.
Said Beeker in part:
"I say clearly that I support Governor Robert Bentley, Chief Justice Roy Moore and those officials who have taken a stand against this usurpation of the rights of Alabamians. But this order must be viewed for what it is, just another example of the federal government's overreach and refusal to respect its proper role."
Watch Beeker's rant, which says "can only be described as full-bore Alabama", AFTER THE JUMP…