This week, failed reality tv stars and totally not gay brothers Jason and David Benham appeared on The 700 Club to pose with notorious crackpot Pat Robertson and on the American Family Association's radio show "AFA Today" to plug their new book, Whatever The Cost. On the program, the Benhams discussed how evil the gays are, or more specifically, how evil Satan is because he's the one behind all of it since he hates reproduction and love and intimacy and whatnot.
Said David:
Do we have any inclination that [God]'s not going to be removed from one of the three institutions that was in working order before sin entered the world — work, Sabbath and marriage? Those three things God set in place before sin entered the world; Satan is coming after all of them.
And Jason:
[Satan]'s always going to attack sex because the goal of sex is life, it's life in your marriage, it's physical life with children, it's offspring, and the Devil is making war against the offspring of the woman, which means that the Devil hates life. Jesus came to bring life, the Devil, I come to destroy life.
Although…Satan went forth and killed Job's sons and daughters, numbering about 10.
God destroyed the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Jericho, and Ai; killed all the firstborn Egyptians; set about 3000 friends and family on each other; killed 250 for burning incense; killed about 14,700 who complained about all the killing; had David kill 15,000 men in Edom; killed about 127,000 Syrians for reasons; killed 500,000 Israelites in a war between Judah and Israel; a million Ethiopians at the request of Asa, king of Judah; and a whole lot more that brings the explicitly numbered tally to 2,821,364 people killed by God, and an estimated total of about 24,994,828 (the flood in Genesis, for example, didn't have an explicit bodycount beyond "the rest of the world").
So….which one is about hating and destroying life again?
You can listen to the Benham brothers spout their nonsense AFTER THE JUMP…