In an interview with Billboard, Ricky Martin dished on life as a single father, his upcoming Spanish-language album A Quien Quiera Escuchar (To Whomever Wants to Listen), and his thoughts on the spread of marriage equality across America.
Said Martin of his twin 6-year-old boys Matteo and Valentino:
They're stuck to me constantly. If I'm in L.A. and have to travel to Hong Kong for 24 hours, I'll leave them with my mom. But fortunately, I have sons who are warriors and who were born on tour and don't know anything else. They're road babies. Some people say, "Ricky, your kids need stability," and I say, "I'm their stability. They feel unstable if I'm not there."
On marriage equality's forward march:
It's amazing, isn't it? By June, the Supreme Court will say, "Let's stop this nonsense and cover the entire country." It's inevitable — equality is inevitable.
Check out the full interview here. And be sure to check out Martin's latest single "Disparo al Corazón" AFTER THE JUMP…