Desperately banging the same drum as his fellow religious right activists as they continue their journey towards the dustbin of history, Pat Robertson has – once again – said that LGBT rights advocates are intent on their mission to destroy freedom
Desperately banging the same drum as his fellow religious right activists as they continue their journey towards the dustbin of history, Pat Robertson has – once again – said that LGBT rights advocates are intent on their mission to destroy freedom, reports Right Wing Watch.
Robertson also suggested that gay activists are in league with Hillary Clinton in a clandestine plot to destroy liberty, claiming that the presidential candidate “wants to do away with the First Amendment, or at least part of it.”
The floundering televangelist – who believes that gay people will die out because they can't reproduce – also weighed in on Indiana's controversial right to discriminate law:
“Now this bunch of gays, what they have done is single out — for example, there will be a city and there will be five bakeshops, four out of the five will do wedding cakes for anybody that wants them, gay, lesbian, Muslim, Hindu, anybody, they'll do cakes.
“One little company says, ‘No, we're Christian, we won't do homosexual wedding cakes.' So they sue that one and force that one, because the idea now is not tolerance, it is conformity, they're going to make you go along with their lifestyle whether you like it or not.
“That's not freedom, ladies and gentlemen, that is totalitarian coercion, and that's what those people want. Liberals are not liberal, they are totalitarian socialists. They want the government to force everybody into their mold.”
Listen to Robertson's latest outburst, AFTER THE JUMP…