Dan Savage joined MSNBC's Chris Hayes to have a cackle at the Republican candidates tripping over themselves to "correctly" answer the gay wedding invitation question including Scott Walker, Rick Santorum, John Kasich, and others.
But Savage has an additional query:
“It really calls the question of why you would invite someone to your wedding who didn't think that you should have one. It's like inviting someone to your birthday party who doesn't think you should have another birthday….It's a little awkward!"
And then takes an overview of the situation:
"When it comes to flesh and blood and family vs base, a lot of Republicans are having a hard time now choosing base over family, and that's really the whole trajectory of the LGBT civil rights movement right there in a nutshell.
Jon Stewart also had a take on it, which included a reference to Savage's infamous Google prank on Santorum's name. Watch that HERE.