> Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking join call for ban on artificially intelligent weapons.
> Australia's Labor Party says it will bind federal MPs to vote for same-sex marriage after the next two elections.
> New York magazine features powerful image of the “unwelcome sisterhood” of Bill Cosby's accusers.
> Mayor of northern Russian city of Arkhangelsk breaks promise to LGBT community, rejects request for pride parade.
> Shocker: Donald Trump's surge heavily reliant on less-educated, racist Americans.
> Caitlyn Jenner pens emotional blog post about the plight of trans suicide. “And it's not because trans people are somehow inherently unstable – it's because we live in a world that makes it very, very difficult to be trans. Many people, especially kids, can't see how they can live as their authentic selves and keep their family, their jobs and their homes.”
> Male model Monday: Justice Joslin.
> Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker vie to become Koch brothers puppets.
> Rick Perry wants you to bring your guns into movie theaters.
> Amanda Bynes surfaces in public to attend fashion show.
> Turns out Henry Cavill won't be joining Fifty Shades Darker after all.
> Snoop Dog got arrested in Sweden over the weekend.
> Obama slams GOP criticism of Iran nuclear deal as “ridiculous” and “sad.”
> Nearly 1 billion Android phones can be hacked with a single text.
> Bobbi Kristina Brown's autopsy finds no significant injuries and no underlying cause of death.
> Dan Savage on the “not gay men” who have “not gay sex” with other “not gay men.”
> 23 Pixels reviews that are more fun than the movie itself.