A San Diego bride recently surprised guests at her wedding reception with a bouquet toss to a male friend that ended with tears, cheers, a marriage proposal and one very sweet kiss.
The wedding reception took place at San Diego's El Cortez reception hall.
The bride (as yet unidentified) was about to toss the bouquet to her family and friends. For the uninitiated, the bouquet toss is a traditional game of sorts where women vie to catch the bouquet in the hopes that they'll be the next in line to wed.
Of course, not everyone is down for this.
However, at this particular wedding, the bride had something much better than a ‘traditional' bouquet toss up her sleeve. As she turned around to throw the bouquet, she shrieked with delight and ran over to a male friend to give him the bouquet. That cued that man's boyfriend to swoop in and pop the question.
He even got down on one knee.
The scene was clearly emotional. One woman in the crowd could not even handle the proposal.
Could. Not. Handle.
The man being proposed to was also overwrought with emotion, clearly surprised by his boyfriend's proposal.
Watch the full video of the too cute proposal, posted by Joe Jervis, below:

[h/t Joe.My.God]